A day to remember

 Working together at the Catholic University Innovation Event.

Good friendships have a way of weaving themselves into every aspect of life, and that’s exactly how it is with Marita, Nacha, and Sofi. We first crossed paths during last year’s university initiation, and from that moment on, we’ve been inseparable. The shared classes, late-night study sessions, and countless experiences have only deepened our connection, making us more like family than just friends.

Recently, we had the chance to take our friendship to a new level by working together at an innovation event organized by the Catholic University. Our role was to manage the accreditation process, ensuring that attendees were smoothly checked in and out of the venue. While this might sound like a straightforward task, the day was far from ordinary.

What made this experience truly special was the fact that it was our first time working as a team outside of our usual academic environment. We were excited to tackle this challenge together, even though it required us to rise before dawn—none of us lived close to the event location. The early start was tough, but it was worth it. The day unfolded with plenty of laughter, camaraderie, and the joy of shared responsibilities. And let’s not forget the highlight: the abundance of free food. We indulged in cookies, drinks, and pizza, which added an extra layer of fun to the day, even if we did end up with a few tummy aches by the end.

By the time the event came to a close, we were physically exhausted from the long hours and the early wake-up call. Yet, despite the fatigue and the mild discomfort from our food indulgence, we were overwhelmingly happy. It was a day filled with new experiences, valuable teamwork, and, most importantly, memories that we’ll carry with us for years to come. Our bond, already strong, was reinforced by this shared adventure, reminding us once again that the best moments in life are those spent with true friends.


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