Two Photos, Two Moments of My Life

First Photo: My Last Christmas Party in Kindergarten In my first photo, I was 4 years old, and it was taken during my last Christmas party in kindergarten. These parties were always held in early December and were some of my favorite childhood memories. The celebrations were so much fun because I got to enjoy them with my whole family. I don’t remember who took the photo. I never found out, but it captured a moment full of joy and excitement. That year was special because my Christmas wish was to have a little sister. Amazingly, my wish came true the next year when my younger sister Sofía was born. I remember feeling so happy and grateful. That was also my final year in kindergarten, a chapter filled with laughter, friends, and the warmth of childhood innocence. Second Photo: Life Today with My Sisters Fast forward to today, Sofía is now 15 years old, and I have two more younger sisters: Rafaella, who is 8, and Renata, who is 5. The time has flown by, and life has changed so much...